Daily Archives: February 17, 2015

Dearest Someone, I’m gunna show you crazy.

This song had me laughing! I know it’s not supposed to be funny, but … well, guess I’m a little crazy 😉
Also check out the blog “Dearest Someone”, just found it tonight and I like it a lot.

Dearest Someone

Music is a big thing for me – it influences me a lot, down to the point where it affects the way I think, and I can listen to music when I’m in any type of mood. When I was first diagnosed with PTSD I started using Spotify to create playlists – notably one called ‘Lightbulb’ in which I added songs that pretty much summed up how I felt, or helped make me view things from a different perspective.

Nowadays I still listen to Spotify on a daily basis – but I’ve started listening to the playlists made by others. Listening to one of the playlists that includes all the latest hits I stumbled across this song:

(It does include a lot of swearing so be cautious.)

Bebe Rexha – I’m Gunna Show You Crazy

The thing is I know there’s a lot of swearing etc. but the lyrics really…

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Cosmic Weirdness

So, JF returned my call. She remembered me, though not specifics around what I asked. She acknowledged that, though it was a long time ago, she would have remembered if that was something I had brought to her and we spent time on it. She did remember the DuckBoy stuff…
She also said it was “cosmic weirdness” that I left her a message because she had just been thinking of me on her way home yesterday. She was surprised to come in to find my voice mail this morning.

Still restless. Still not sure what to do with myself, but I might be shedding some happy tears ♡ there’s something to be said for speaking to someone who saw you at your worst and still thinks you are an ok person. Thank you JF.



dunno. feel lost and restless today. I should shower. I should do something…

anxiety’s building and I need a distraction.