Monthly Archives: February 2018

Rough day…

I hate being so defective.

Was at a urologist today for an initial appointment. Didn’t think to ask them if there would be any uncomfortable exams. 15 minutes in, the doctor sprung the concept of a pelvic exam on me. I kinda started to panic, but tried to talk myself down.

She’s nice. She seems nice. Dr F recommended her, so she trusts her, so I can trust her. L is here with me. It’s all good. No worries. Dr F trusts her, so she’s safe…

That worked for about as long as it took me to think the words one time. By the second round, I was already drifting away. I know I spoke to L about my anxiety, but I can’t remember what was said.

By the time the doctor came back in, I was barely breathing and about to jump out of my skin. I managed to mutter someing about panic rising, and as she looked at me to ask if anything in my past would make this more difficult, I could only nod. Tears were welling up in my eyes. I was flying away hard and fast in my head.

I’m not really sure what she said next; everything was happening miles away. All I could do was keep biting my lip (I actually managed to accidentally bite off a bit of it)…

I think she said something about changing the treatment plan, but I have no idea what she said it would be. I will have to ask L later…

I hate being so defective. I want to be a normal human who can go to a new doctor and get through the visit without any major triggers…

After the appointment, L reminded me it was bingo night. She asked if I wanted to go. My first instinct was to stay home and hide. Then I figured distracting would probably be better…

We went to bingo. I took some meds to help me calm and ground a bit more. I’m so thankful I did! Someone who ended up sitting next to us sounded and acted so much like bitch most of the night. Had I not calmed myself down, I would have been more of a triggered mess…

The insomnia amplifier (and safe spaces).

Have you ever noticed how everything experienced through insomnia is amplified?

It’s not only the after effects in the following days, but also everything experienced in the middle of the night while I’m lying awake.

Tonight, the cat food smell is bothering me. It’s turning my stomach, and it’s the only thing I can smell… but do you think I’d make a move to throw it out into the kitchen trash? Nope. Because making such large movements would not only “wake me up more”, but it would also wake the animals up, who would then get restless… at least, that’s my excuse. I really just don’t feel like crawling out of bed when I have a mere 30 minutes left here anyway. It would have been 2 hours if I simply did it when it started bothering me, but it was easier to smash my face into the pillow than it was to move the trash. Now I’m regretting it…

It’s not only smell that gets amplified when I can’t sleep. It’s any sound or extra light. It’s textures and temperatures and thoughts…

I could text any number of friends who also deal with insomnia, but that would require a conversation, and I’m not sure I’m up for that just now.

It is also in the middle of the night when, before I think too much about the ramifications, I feel like I might want to talk more about the things my body remembers… before my brain kicks in and I worry about reactions and fall-out, before the shame and secrecy set it, I sometimes think it might be healing to talk about the sexual abuse stuff with someone other than just Dr C… it might be validating to have some honest and uncensored conversations about it.

Then my brain kicks in. I think about what might happen, who might react & how they might react… I think of all the invalidation and scrutiny I would get for it, and the lost relationships… and it no longer seems worth it.

I prefer anonymity. I prefer the safety-net of confidentiality… and my heart sinks a little. I feel defective. Even just thinking of talking more openly about it makes me feel like a bad person. The guilt and shame hit hard.

On the one hand, I know it wasn’t my fault; I know the guilt and shame shouldn’t be mine (but they are). I know they should belong to the person (people) who did those things… I know this, but I also can’t fully accept it.

What if I’m remembering wrong? What if I’m exaggerating? What if I’m really just doing this for attention? What if I’m just that horrible, spiteful child the voice in my head says I am? What if I’m just plain wrong?

The ramifications for the named people wouldn’t be huge, but they’d be there. The ramifications for me would likely be worse. If I mentioned someone, and they didn’t actually do anything, I’d lose friends and family (it’s not like I have proof. It’s just my word against their’s, and I have a history of mental health issues, so… gotta love stigma). I’d be branded a liar & attention-seeking by those closest to me. I’ve already gotten that label from some people, but they are not really people that matter to me; providers I’ve seen only once or twice, family or friends I choose to no longer have contact with…

It’s just easier to talk around it in anonymous circles, or to keep conversations in the safety of the therapy office. That might change some day, but right now, it’s all I can manage. The fear doesn’t exactly stop me from longing to connect more authentically with others, but it stops the actuality of it happening…

I miss the csa group Dr C ran. It was more structured, but we still had chances to connect around the experiences of having gone through what we did, and many of us having dissociation around it… it was a safe place to be vulnerable, and we seemed to share understandings around it all… I don’t really know how the group would work in the long run though. Part of the safety came from the structure and the limited time commitment… but some days I really wish I could sit again in a room of people who understood the struggle without having to search so hard to explain it; and to know it’s safe to give voice to some of the memories.

changing attitudes

I’m realizing this year that the things I care about are changing (somewhat dramatically). The basics are the same, but some of the “clutter” is taking its leave. The last 12 months have helped with that process.

  • I care about the lives and happiness of those in my life, but I really don’t care about what people think of me.
  • I care about enjoying what I do, not so much pulling in a check (though bigger checks would definitely be a huge help, especially lately).

I’m trying to minimize my stress. The things that increase my stress are falling further and further to the wayside… It might be the depression talking, but for once, it’s not the anxiety… I just don’t care about the stupid stuff anymore.

I don’t care about drama, and busting my butt for things that cause more stress than joy. I miss working with people I care about. I miss having friends at work, and a place that values quality over the bottom line. I’m tired of going to work and knowing that 9/10 times I’ll be the only staff in with a group of over 20 dogs, a handful of whom shouldn’t be in an unstructured group setting… I’ve learned I care about the dogs I work with, but not about the job itself… it’s time to move on. This place will never be the smaller center, nor will it be like it was under the previous manager. The new guy is definitely very “corporate”, and that’s just not my style. The bottom line should never be more important than the animals we care for…

It might finally be time to take a deep breath, and find another job. It was made more clear when I realized I might be written up for missing a mandatory staff meeting last week, and it didn’t phase me at all.

Re: the draw of tech

I only ever really think about this when I’m head-on to it, but technology can be quite ensnaring.
My phone is having serious issues (the power button doesn’t function, the battery drains really fast, and it’s glitchy)… I’m so lost without it.
It’s my alarm, my connection to the outside world, my calendar, my photo album, my radio, my entertainment…
I know I’ve only lived with cell tech about half my life, and only this dependant on it in the last 5 years or so,but… damn! I’m so reliant on it.
Needless to say, I’m headed to the carrier’s store after work to see if they can either fix it, or I can pick up a new one… we really don’t have money for a new one, but if they can’t fix it, I need something…


Depression hit hard, out of seemingly nowhere… something switched around 3pm Wednesday, and its been getting more intense since :/