Finally feeling something remotely “holiday”

My wife and I spent the day making holiday cards for local friends and family. It was nice to be able to do stuff together.  I would draw and cut them out, she would paint and write into them. There are a few more to make I think,  but we quit for the night after number 6. They are quite time-consuming, and the cards we used did not come with envelopes,  we had to go out and get some… well, we tried to get some, but they didn’t have any larger square ones at Michael’s. We ended up buying some red card stock to turn into envelopes.  I guess they worked out ok. Anyway, here’s some of the finished product:

The partying snowman got a face lift before I gave him to my friend. She is a Dr. Who fan, so I wanted to make the tardis obvious. Sometimes painting the cards mutes the papercutting, so I chose to only do 3 colors… The original is above, and this one is what she got:


This guy was actually for a friend’s stepdaughter’s baby shower, but done at the same time. I slacked with this one. I was tired and didn’t do all the fancy cutting. L did a great job bringing him to life though with her coloring.



I drew up the reindeer for L, and she cut and colored them.  After this one, she decided to have me do the cutting and she would help with the coloring… I like the way they came out, but she says she has no patience for the details of cutting.


Merry Christmas to a Fun-gi!



Dory will be sent to Ellen Degeneres & her wife… maybe it’ll even make it on air?


This is the Santa Minion.  I am obsessed with the little christmas lights this year for some reason, but felt bananas were more appropriate.


These were the first 4 I did.  The ornament was actually the first one, and I still really like it a lot.



This one was was modeled after a friend’s Dachshund… Not perfect, but hope she likes it.


This turtle is going to a family that celebrates both Jewish and Catholic traditions:


Things are still going well.  I’ve managed to keep in a really positive emotional space despite a lot of negative energy floating around. I’m still holding my breath for a crash, but not hoping for one. I kinda like this positive stuff.

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